We are excited to announce that Braddon Snape and Loribelle Spirovski are finalists in the Blake Prize—a biennial award for artworks that address ideas related to religion, spirituality and/or belief. The winner of the $35,000 prize will be announced on Saturday 12 March and the exhibition of works by 65 finalists will be on show at the Casula Powerhouse Art Centre from 12 March to 22 May, 2022.
“This year’s Blake Prize finalists have delivered an incredible range of artworks, from painting, photography, sculpture, installation and digital media works exploring the wider experience of spirituality, religion and belief,” said CPAC Director Craig Donarski.
An article by Nicolas Jensen titled "Henry Lawson fan's bold bid to take the Blake art prize" about Loribelle Spirovski's work—was featured in The Australian on Wednesday 19 January. The photograph (shown above) by Jane Dempster features Loribelle with the painting—A Foreign Father, and a Child in the Dark—in her Sydney studio.
Newcastle sculptor, Braddon Snape's finalist work Things Are Not as They Appear – 3 Faced Allusive Object is from his recent body of work titled, Things are not as they appear (smoke and mirrors) exhibited at Nanda\Hobbs in December 2021. In this series, the artist's signature inflated stainless steel objects transcend sculpture into the realm of painting and experiential installation.