Morten Lassen "Beyond Words" Opens Thursday 2 March, 6-8pm. VIEW CATALOGUE

28 February 2023

Beyond Words


Morten Lassen’s painting practice is an endless search for compositional harmony—the push and pull of line and colour, structure versus dissipation. Layers of paint and line inform the final composition and have been that way throughout his career. Indeed, Lassen doesn’t delineate between individual works, rather he sees the act of painting as a continuing journey into the nature of intuition. Each canvas, a stanza in a lifetime of imaging abstract integrated thoughts and influence.

For the expressive painter, there is a constant risk of the destruction of work in the pursuit of excellence. Lassen is reconciled to the risks. He pushes the process of making paintings, surrounded by months of work that are habitually sacrificed on the altar of aesthetic perfection. The paintings that survive the arduous process have a rare vitality—the urgency of the mark-making, the layers, and the glazes of paint coalesce into satisfyingly complete paintings. 

Morten Lassen’s studio is based in Kronborg Castle, Denmark. Outside of his influence in Australia, he is an artist with a strong international presence. His inclusion in the Venice Biennale’s Personal Structures in 2017, alongside his presence in art fairs across London, Miami, Seattle, Jakarta, Stockholm, Toronto, New York and Singapore is a testament to this.


Ralph Hobbs
February, 2023




Suzanne Archer's art career spanning six decades is reviewed and applauded in the current edition of Art Collector

18 July 2024

Arts writer Rex Butler reviews Suzanne Archer's stellar career in an indepth article in Art Collector's JUL-SEP edition just released.

With contributions by critic John McDonald and N\H director Ralph Hobbs, the article documents her artistic journey from the late 1960's to now—wiith her latest body of work to be exhibed in a major solo show at Nanda\Hobbs in August. 

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Stephanie eather — runner up in the 2024 vincent prize

25 June 2024

We're thrilled to announce Stephanie Eathers runner up selection in the 2024 Vincent Prize by judge Jude Rae.


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17 June 2024

SMH, 17 June 2024
Zilinsky, who won the Portia Geach Memorial Award in 2020, said a friend had shown Elordi her work before suggesting he would be a good subject to paint. Zilinsky sketched Elordi, 26, in Stanwell Tops, NSW, on the set of the mini-series adaptation of Richard Flanagan's novel The Narrow Road to the Deep North.

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12 - 14 Meagher Street Chippendale, NSW 2008
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.30pm Saturday, 11am - 4pm Closed Public Holidays (and Easter Saturday)