2014Oil on canvas182.8x152.5cm
Chinese Opera: The Judge of integrity if it was not a dream
2014 \ Oil on Canvas \ 122.8x152cm
Chinese opera: Face mask changing 1
2014 \ Oil on canvas \ 152.5x122.8cm
Chinese opera: Face mask changing 2
Chinese opera: Face mask changing 3
Chinese opera: Face mask changing 4
2014 \ Oil on canvas \ 92.5x122.8cm
Chinese opera: Face mask changing 5
Chinese opera: Face mask changing 6
The beast flies over sees the lion dance
2014 \ Oil on canvas \ 180x210cm
The mercy flies over sees the lion dance
2014 \ Oil on canvas \ 182.8x152.5cm
The wisdom flies over sees the dragon dance
Oil on Canvas \ 152.5x182.8cm
22 April — 15 May 2014
+61 2 8599 8000
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