Jason Cordero and Anthony White — finalists in the 2021 Glover Prize. Cordero's was the "Hangers Choice"

8 March 2021

Congratulations to Jason Cordero and Anthony White, selected as finalists in the 2021 Glover Prize. Cordero was awarded the "Hanger's Choice" with his remarkable painting The Expedition of the Artificer. From White, we see a departure from abstraction with a beautiful painting of Tasmania's rugged Federation Peak — once declared by Sir Edmund Hillary as "Australia's only real mountain". The John Glover Art Prize (Glover Prize) has become one of Australia's most significant awards for landscape painting, open to artists from anywhere in the world. 

This year's judgest, Julie Gough, Phillip Bacon and Tracy Puklowski unanimously agreed on the winner — Hobart's Sebastian Galloway with his oil on copper work - View of Mt. Lyell through an Acid Raindrop

42 finalists selected as the best artworks of the Tasmanian landscape, chosen from the 640 entrants coming from every Australian state and territory, as well as from the UK, USA, New Zealand, France, Italy, Japan, Bangladesh, Romania, Belgium, Thailand, and Iran. Paris based Anthony White was the only international finalist.

The Glover Prize Exhibition will be on show at Falls Park Pavilion in Evandale, Tasmania until Sunday the 14th of March, 2021. 

If you are interested in the works by Cordero and White, please contact us.

Images: (Left) Jason Cordero, The Expedition of the Artificer, Oil on linen, 85x95cm; (Right) Anthony White, Federation Peak, 2020, Oil on linen, 150 x 120cm


Suzanne Archer's art career spanning six decades is reviewed and applauded in the current edition of Art Collector

18 July 2024

Arts writer Rex Butler reviews Suzanne Archer's stellar career in an indepth article in Art Collector's JUL-SEP edition just released.

With contributions by critic John McDonald and N\H director Ralph Hobbs, the article documents her artistic journey from the late 1960's to now—wiith her latest body of work to be exhibed in a major solo show at Nanda\Hobbs in August. 

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Stephanie eather — runner up in the 2024 vincent prize

25 June 2024

We're thrilled to announce Stephanie Eathers runner up selection in the 2024 Vincent Prize by judge Jude Rae.


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17 June 2024

SMH, 17 June 2024
Zilinsky, who won the Portia Geach Memorial Award in 2020, said a friend had shown Elordi her work before suggesting he would be a good subject to paint. Zilinsky sketched Elordi, 26, in Stanwell Tops, NSW, on the set of the mini-series adaptation of Richard Flanagan's novel The Narrow Road to the Deep North.

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12 - 14 Meagher Street Chippendale, NSW 2008
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.30pm Saturday, 11am - 4pm Closed Public Holidays (and Easter Saturday)